Warning: Angry Post!

Beware this is an angry post… cos I am …well… angry! She didn’t even know me. She walked up to me as I was crossing the street, and in pain because of my back and chose to talk to me. “Are you Divya Palat,” she curiously questioned. To my affirmative, she immediately said “Oh youContinue reading “Warning: Angry Post!”

Why does it Hurt so bad?

So I’ve realised it takes a village to build you up and make you feel confident but it’s often just the one person that can bring that confidence crashing down! And that’s just sad… What the tens, hundreds or millions say about you can be shattered by one thoughtless comment or one mean remark. It’sContinue reading “Why does it Hurt so bad?”

With unimaginable pain …

And as the steroids ended and my body struggled to fix itself I understood what pain and starting over truly felt like. Steroids made me relearn how easy it is to take our body for granted. The simplest thing like taking a straight step became a chore and my body hurt in places I didn’tContinue reading “With unimaginable pain …”

Goodbye…(To all those people and experiences who I’ve said goodbye to)

I really hate goodbye They make me sad , I hate to cry I question God and ask him why I really hate goodbye I don’t think it’s fair to let you go My heart aches but I won’t say so You made my life a better place Without you there’s a huge empty spaceContinue reading “Goodbye…(To all those people and experiences who I’ve said goodbye to)”

Confessions of a Commitment-Phobe

Commitment-phobes come in all shapes, sizes and colours…! The nicest of people when in fear of finding something meaningful and lasting become like a caged animal and attack all that is good, caring and protective suddenly…and you , who only wanted to look after and love them are suddenly snapped at, scratched and even bitten.Continue reading “Confessions of a Commitment-Phobe”

To those who said I couldn’t

Remember when you told me I wouldn’t work again… I was scared of what you could do… but I kept trying and I kept working. And you… you who told me that I’d never amount to much… Well to some people…I amount to their whole lives… so that’s a lot I think! And to theContinue reading “To those who said I couldn’t”

The face that I put on

So the writing has been irregular because i’ve just not felt well enough… With ‘The Verdict’ premiere just ’round the corner, it’s been rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal! But that’s not been what has kept me from writing….it’s just incredible and scary new life lessons I have had to learn. Everyone is an actor. Most people areContinue reading “The face that I put on”

When the going gets tough!

So every day isn’t your best day… every day may not be a day you are proud of…it may not be a day you care to remember…it may even be a day you can’t stop the tears. And as the rain pours and the economy sinks , days become darker and so do outlooks andContinue reading “When the going gets tough!”

Treat her like a lady!

Stop wishing me ‘Happy Women’s Day!’ Don’t fill your offices with balloons or give me a free cookie with a cup of coffee! Don’t give me chocolates or roses. Don’t smile at me unnecessarily or create lunches to felicitate me! Instead treat me as an equal. Treat me with respect. Pay me the same asContinue reading “Treat her like a lady!”

You are a survivor!

People are horrible. They are mean. They make opinions when they don’t know you. They are harsh, self centered, rude and callous. People are horrible. They lie to your face. They forget you. They replace you. They hurt you- knowingly, unknowingly. People are horrible. But then there are some- a few among a swarm ofContinue reading “You are a survivor!”