Hypocrisy and Death!

#RIP #GoneTooSoon #Heartbroken All useless tributes that mean literally nothing once someone has passed. It’s not like he/ she can read the ‘love’, ‘the tributes’, or feel ‘the sadness.’ It makes us feel better, like we’ve done something – but in truth it means absolutely nothing! Yet another life was taken this week- I sayContinue reading “Hypocrisy and Death!”

Burn the Old

And in keeping with the theme of the year Diwali had me with the flu! The Diwali party I went to had me in tears when a guest innocently asked me about my health. I blamed it on over tiredness and far too much medication with almost no food but it spoke to me ofContinue reading “Burn the Old”

I’m Not Ok. You’re Not Ok!

So the discussion veered to ‘Mental Health.’ How brave is it for someone to acknowledge that they need a mental health day, or that they are going through depression , or that they need help-I was told? Brave as it may be, I countered, it’s often still a luxury for most families in India toContinue reading “I’m Not Ok. You’re Not Ok!”

Starting Anew

So the resolutions started and I made a few that I think I can keep. This year, I’m making ME my priority. After a failed set of blood tests— yes the nerd in me still can’t get over the fact that these are tests I cannot study for, hence fix; I decided-: My life=My health=Continue reading “Starting Anew”

To all the liars out there…

I have been blessed over the last few years to have been able to eliminate the majority of the negative people in my life which has allowed more space for new, fabulous and positive people in… These people inspire me to think every day. They inspire me to be better, do more, feel more and achieveContinue reading “To all the liars out there…”

The face that I put on

So the writing has been irregular because i’ve just not felt well enough… With ‘The Verdict’ premiere just ’round the corner, it’s been rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal! But that’s not been what has kept me from writing….it’s just incredible and scary new life lessons I have had to learn. Everyone is an actor. Most people areContinue reading “The face that I put on”

Happy Birthday to ME!

It’s that time of year again when I reminisce on the days gone by….on the months and years gone by…. and try and decide whether I did it right…. It’s BIRTH DAY time and the one time year where I take a few moments to think about where I am and where I wanted toContinue reading “Happy Birthday to ME!”


Fear. We sell fear. We buy fear. We live in fear. We wake up in the mornings and the newspapers scare us. Where we live is unsafe, what we’re eating is wrong, what we’re doing will destroy us…we wake up to fear. We then go to work, fearing the repercussions of a boss who mayContinue reading “i FEAR!”

Expecting NOT to Expect

Expectation is the root of all heartache William Shakespeare. Those of us who believe we don’t expect anything from anyone are lying to ourselves. We expect love and support from our friends and family. We expect growth and satisfaction from our jobs. We expect belief, trust, security and help. We expect dreams to come trueContinue reading “Expecting NOT to Expect”

To be with you…in sickness and in health!

So the joy of having had a neurological illness like ADEM is that my immune system is shot to hell! Now this article will be very bitter and annoyed ….but sometimes it’s just hard to be un-annoyed when my brain and mind wills me on and my body seems to be happy crumbling! So…. theContinue reading “To be with you…in sickness and in health!”