Hypocrisy and Death!

#RIP #GoneTooSoon #Heartbroken All useless tributes that mean literally nothing once someone has passed. It’s not like he/ she can read the ‘love’, ‘the tributes’, or feel ‘the sadness.’ It makes us feel better, like we’ve done something – but in truth it means absolutely nothing! Yet another life was taken this week- I sayContinue reading “Hypocrisy and Death!”

Breaking News

They converted our feelings into ‘Breaking news.’ With Wing Commander Abhinandan’s bloodied nose, blindfolded interview and subsequent calmer interview- news channels and twitter was on overdrive this last week. And that’s the thing- it happened during 26/11 as well. News channels did whatever it took to get TRPs even if it involved giving out sensitiveContinue reading “Breaking News”


alone: being without anyone else, solitary It’s hard to feel alone in a world where we’re so connected. Gone are the days where you waited for a letter from someone you loved, or worried when someone you cared about came home late. A quick email with more emoticons than words can connect people across theContinue reading “alone”

One life to live (from my new Times of India Celebrity Blog!)

This Blog is courtesy my new Times of India Celebrity Blog! So do check it out!     There is usually one major reason to die but there are several reasons to live. This week’s news was filled with suicides and self inflicted deaths. “ I watched for ten hours as he died via Skype!”Continue reading “One life to live (from my new Times of India Celebrity Blog!)”