I’m weird!

I’m a little weird and I know that most of you who know me will think that this is a glaring understatement. But I think , in the most part, so are each of you! This week was a mixture of emotions. With the looming doctor visit today, the week had a sense of forebodingContinue reading “I’m weird!”

The Big Fight

They call Life – the ‘rat-race!’ They call Life-‘a fight’; ‘a struggle!’ They glorify fighting for what you believe in and sometimes in all the madness of fighting, you forget what you’re fighting for. They tell you that you must ‘Fight for love’ and Fight for your dream’ and then ‘Fight to stay alive andContinue reading “The Big Fight”

The face that I put on

So the writing has been irregular because i’ve just not felt well enough… With ‘The Verdict’ premiere just ’round the corner, it’s been rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal! But that’s not been what has kept me from writing….it’s just incredible and scary new life lessons I have had to learn. Everyone is an actor. Most people areContinue reading “The face that I put on”

When the going gets tough!

So every day isn’t your best day… every day may not be a day you are proud of…it may not be a day you care to remember…it may even be a day you can’t stop the tears. And as the rain pours and the economy sinks , days become darker and so do outlooks andContinue reading “When the going gets tough!”

Gotta keep moving, Gotta keep dreaming & FLEXI WORK HOURS !

Gotta keep moving… Gotta keep dreaming. As the sun scorches us all (and it’s only the first week of May) and 1/2 the year’s gone by quicker than a blink of the eye…it’s easy for the mid year depression to set in! We haven’t reached all the targets that seemed so easy in January andContinue reading “Gotta keep moving, Gotta keep dreaming & FLEXI WORK HOURS !”

Marketing …ME!

Today’s world is a marketing world! The best education, the finest degrees are no match for the smooth, smart talker who knows how to market himself and his business idea! It’s all about suave, smart marketing , networking and great smiles! It’s not even about selling a product or an idea… it’s about selling yourself-Continue reading “Marketing …ME!”

The Royal Touch at the Taj Faluknama Palace Hyderabad

The Taj Falaknuma Palace was a hotel I chose to stay on on a whim. It had just opened and I was curious! I had stayed in all the iconic Taj Palaces across the country and this was a hotel I had heard amazing things about…so after a show in Hyderabad , we decided to checkContinue reading “The Royal Touch at the Taj Faluknama Palace Hyderabad”

Universal Studios – The VIP Experience

This was Aditya’s first experience in Los Angeles and in the city of a million dreams and where  everyone either is a star or looks like one it was only fitting that we went to a shrine of filmdom The Universal Studios! This was his birthday gift and we had to do it ‘Divya Style’–first-classContinue reading “Universal Studios – The VIP Experience”

The movie of your life! (Rules to Live By)

Rise and shine. It’s a new day. Smile. Walk. Run. Talk. Eat. Laugh. See. Do. Don’t waste time on tears. Don’t waste time on fears. Life will happen regardless. You may win. You will lose. You will love. You will hate. You may achieve but you must always try. Live the truth. There will beContinue reading “The movie of your life! (Rules to Live By)”

The Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh is a delightful place to visit but was never on my map of MUST-SEE , MUST-DO places…that was before I discovered the EDINBURGH FRINGE FESTIVAL. Edinburgh plays host in August to the Largest Arts Festival in the world with almost 50,000 shows every year. The entire city welcomes the artistes and audiences during AugustContinue reading “The Edinburgh Fringe”