Gotta keep moving, Gotta keep dreaming & FLEXI WORK HOURS !

Gotta keep moving… Gotta keep dreaming. As the sun scorches us all (and it’s only the first week of May) and 1/2 the year’s gone by quicker than a blink of the eye…it’s easy for the mid year depression to set in! We haven’t reached all the targets that seemed so easy in January andContinue reading “Gotta keep moving, Gotta keep dreaming & FLEXI WORK HOURS !”

Relationship 201- What to do when the honeymoon period is over?

So you’ve met someone and the ‘honeymoon phase’ of the relationship is now kinda over. You disagree. You argue. He has an opinion (shocker) often different to yours (double shocker!). She stops dressing up. He’s not shaving that often. She’s stopped the heels… He’s stopped opening doors…And suddenly it seems like this isn’t going toContinue reading “Relationship 201- What to do when the honeymoon period is over?”

J. W. Marriott in Bangkok

I travel to Bangkok a lot. From one of the dirtiest cities in the world 12-13 years ago, it’s cleaned up become fancier, more welcoming, more modern and just a wonderful shopping destination and a quick flight from Mumbai! I have therefore shifted a lot of hotels- hotels close to the malls, hotels out ofContinue reading “J. W. Marriott in Bangkok”

Love is hard-Tips and tricks to keep love alive!

  The fairytale  romances you grew up listening to is not real love. The romantic comedies almost never happen in real life. Movies and books make love look easy. In reality they spoil us- they make us think that when you meet Mr. or Ms. Right, life just finds a way of working out withContinue reading “Love is hard-Tips and tricks to keep love alive!”

Making Monday not MournDay!

Ok so I HATE MONDAY MORNINGS! I mean I start stressing on Sunday night about the week that’s about to happen…not that the week isn’t totally exciting, glorious and fun…I’m the eternal stressed and so I stress! This morning was particularly hard! There was too much to do and too little time- scripts to finalise,Continue reading “Making Monday not MournDay!”

…and so there was no bread-( my weekend romance!)

the weekend started with the usual ,” where should we go? “, “where should we eat?” debates…i mean a week of home food, no sugar and plenty of exercise makes weekends THE MOST sought after days ever! this weekend was different…it was the weekend before my fifth anniversary. Now aditya and i make it aContinue reading “…and so there was no bread-( my weekend romance!)”