My Harshest Self

And with Multiple sclerosis , the mood swings for me are a bit intense. It doesn’t help that I’m a Gemini- Taurus cusp or that I have a steroid producing brain tumour or that I’m plain nuts… but I do seem to have really low lows. The plus is that I am logical enough toContinue reading “My Harshest Self”

Goodbye…(To all those people and experiences who I’ve said goodbye to)

I really hate goodbye They make me sad , I hate to cry I question God and ask him why I really hate goodbye I don’t think it’s fair to let you go My heart aches but I won’t say so You made my life a better place Without you there’s a huge empty spaceContinue reading “Goodbye…(To all those people and experiences who I’ve said goodbye to)”

…and so there was no bread-( my weekend romance!)

the weekend started with the usual ,” where should we go? “, “where should we eat?” debates…i mean a week of home food, no sugar and plenty of exercise makes weekends THE MOST sought after days ever! this weekend was different…it was the weekend before my fifth anniversary. Now aditya and i make it aContinue reading “…and so there was no bread-( my weekend romance!)”