Gotta keep moving, Gotta keep dreaming & FLEXI WORK HOURS !

Gotta keep moving… Gotta keep dreaming. As the sun scorches us all (and it’s only the first week of May) and 1/2 the year’s gone by quicker than a blink of the eye…it’s easy for the mid year depression to set in! We haven’t reached all the targets that seemed so easy in January andContinue reading “Gotta keep moving, Gotta keep dreaming & FLEXI WORK HOURS !”

The DREADED MONDAY MORNING (after a break!)

It’s that Monday post the incredible vacation! Schools are open, work is on schedule and traffic is a b!@%h! You wish you were back in bed/on the beach/shopping! You wish you were anywhere but back because back seems even more awful now especially after than incredible break! That’s the thing with breaks….once you taste freedomContinue reading “The DREADED MONDAY MORNING (after a break!)”

Time travails!

So we each run around talking about how we don’t have time. we don’t have time for this or that….and that we wish we had more hours in a day….but do we actually make PRODUCTIVE use of that time…??? an actor with a day job i was speaking to once told me after a rehearsalContinue reading “Time travails!”

Dealing with that MONDAY morning!

so you’ve got the monday morning blues….which becomes the monday afternoon blues and sure enough makes for an exhausted monday    evening where you’re almost too tired to get home and crawl into bed….each week you think monday’s are going to get easier …Each week they  don’t! Each week you hate monday mornings and eachContinue reading “Dealing with that MONDAY morning!”