I’m never gonna be who I thought I would

All through our lives we’ve been taught to make a difference, do more, be more! And then it gets to a point- and here may be it’s the impending Birthday Me talking, where you worry- have I actually achieved what I was supposed to have… or was it all just castles in the sky createdContinue reading “I’m never gonna be who I thought I would”

I want to change the world by doing NOTHING!

It didn’t happen to me… It happened on TV… And that’s our attitude… Buildings fall. Women get raped. People get murdered. Terror attacks happen. A cyclone devastates… But it didn’t happen to me! We want a better world for ourselves, for our future , for the future of our unborn children or our friends’ unbornContinue reading “I want to change the world by doing NOTHING!”

To those who said I couldn’t

Remember when you told me I wouldn’t work again… I was scared of what you could do… but I kept trying and I kept working. And you… you who told me that I’d never amount to much… Well to some people…I amount to their whole lives… so that’s a lot I think! And to theContinue reading “To those who said I couldn’t”

Keep the Faith

The last week we were having a discussion with friends… a friend of mine proudly said that she was supposed to get very lucky this week…astrologically! She was supposed to ‘win a huge amount of money in a lottery!’ That sounded just perfect to her husband except he said … well she was going toContinue reading “Keep the Faith”

26/11- Moving forward

I had written another post for today and was about to post it when I felt i should write about something that’s been so important to me for the last 4 years. 4 years ago today our city was besieged by terror attacks and for the first time in my life-I was scared, unsure ofContinue reading “26/11- Moving forward”

Take a Chance on Change!

To start over…something must end. To say hello… sometimes we have to say goodbye.To laugh again…sometimes we need to have cried! Divya Palat  It’s so hard when things are over when we just keep holding on! I realised this when I produced my first set of shows and the run was complete and as everyoneContinue reading “Take a Chance on Change!”

A Venetian Romance

You haven’t known what romance is unless you’ve been to Venezia….you’ll never truly understand beauty unless you go there. I fell in love in Venezia– it was love at first sight and it was an affair I’ll never forget! You get out of the train station and Venice is like no other city I haveContinue reading “A Venetian Romance”

The DREADED MONDAY MORNING (after a break!)

It’s that Monday post the incredible vacation! Schools are open, work is on schedule and traffic is a b!@%h! You wish you were back in bed/on the beach/shopping! You wish you were anywhere but back because back seems even more awful now especially after than incredible break! That’s the thing with breaks….once you taste freedomContinue reading “The DREADED MONDAY MORNING (after a break!)”

Jumping of an Airplane in Sydney

So if you’re a regular reader you probably have tuned in to see whether we actually jumped off the plane or chickened out last minute…! Well Sydney was wonderful in March and we arrived to very excited….for totally different reasons! Aditya wanted to see ColdPlay and I wanted to jump off a plane– my funContinue reading “Jumping of an Airplane in Sydney”

ps-: i love you ADITYA!

i still remember this day 5 years ago. i was crying incessantly after a sleepless night and the makeup just wouldn’t stick with the tears. ravi, the makeup dada kept trying to pacify me saying ” he’s a good guy…don’t worry!” and yet the tears kept flowing… i have no idea why i kept weepingContinue reading “ps-: i love you ADITYA!”