Find your Magic

The puppy party dominated the week. With Magic’s birthday on Saturday , all the planning and energy was reserved for him. Now , those who don’t have dogs will never understand why so much energy is used on what could be seen as a ‘party for dogs.’ But what you don’t get is how importantContinue reading “Find your Magic”

What I’ve learnt so far…(love, relationships,women and men!)

So I was listening to the Sunscreen Song…a fave of mine whenever I’m down! And before you ask why….I am overtired and overworked and sometimes an instant pep up is in order…! The song got me thinking….I love relationships, love and dispensing advice ;-)…so maybe i should list out some of the things I’ve learntContinue reading “What I’ve learnt so far…(love, relationships,women and men!)”

The Big Fight

They call Life – the ‘rat-race!’ They call Life-‘a fight’; ‘a struggle!’ They glorify fighting for what you believe in and sometimes in all the madness of fighting, you forget what you’re fighting for. They tell you that you must ‘Fight for love’ and Fight for your dream’ and then ‘Fight to stay alive andContinue reading “The Big Fight”

I’m not a survivor.

Yes- I have Multiple Sclerosis. Yes- I have a Pituitary Tumour. Yes- I have a tremendous amount of pain every single day… but I’m not a survivor… I’m a WINNER :)! I learnt a while ago that there are 2 ways to approach anything this serious – 1. Let it control you. 2. Don’t !Continue reading “I’m not a survivor.”

The Seven Year Itch!

So the husband and I just completed our seventh year of marriage and after every 3 congratulatory messages, the customary 7 year itch joke was then messaged/warned/joked about! That got me down to thinking… the seven year itch is only popular because of the wildly popular Marilyn Monroe film of the same name which wasContinue reading “The Seven Year Itch!”

Done, dusted, forgotten about!

And now that the year is coming to a close, you start taking stock of everything that went by! Seems easier to take stock when the year has come to an end and suddenly the enormity of what you just went through hits you! Take a moment. Breathe. You made it! 2012 is over! Scraped,Continue reading “Done, dusted, forgotten about!”

The movie of your life! (Rules to Live By)

Rise and shine. It’s a new day. Smile. Walk. Run. Talk. Eat. Laugh. See. Do. Don’t waste time on tears. Don’t waste time on fears. Life will happen regardless. You may win. You will lose. You will love. You will hate. You may achieve but you must always try. Live the truth. There will beContinue reading “The movie of your life! (Rules to Live By)”