Pain spirals and magic

And with the tensions of the week building, the Multiple sclerosis enjoyed its play ground of havoc! I had dizzy spells, pain everywhere and the added stress kept pushing me in to a deeper, deeper spiral of pain! And suddenly I just stopped. I asked for a moment for my self and Aditya said he’dContinue reading “Pain spirals and magic”

Love is patient, Love is kind….(or messy and impatient and loud!)

And it’s my favouritest(yes, it could be a word), mushiest day of the year and I love it! I woke up delighted as I do every Valentines day and was showered with puppy kisses and orchids (my favourites) and the day started out just right! But over the years, I have realised that love isContinue reading “Love is patient, Love is kind….(or messy and impatient and loud!)”

Happy Dating Anniversary…

Everything in my life is always a production! Whether it was studying for exams, throwing parties or even something as boring as an offsite… I am very dramatic! Needless to say then , that I am the perfect ‘Hallmark Target.’ In fact I created days that they’d have loved to have known about if only to capture my business… and this weekend heralds one very special day- my ‘Dating Anniversary.’

Find your Magic

The puppy party dominated the week. With Magic’s birthday on Saturday , all the planning and energy was reserved for him. Now , those who don’t have dogs will never understand why so much energy is used on what could be seen as a ‘party for dogs.’ But what you don’t get is how importantContinue reading “Find your Magic”

Slip Disc Musings

And so keeping in tune with the year the back collapsed on me… with a slip disc I hobbled around albeit sideways while my puppy tried his best not to trip me up on stairs (unsuccessfully) and my husband worked on being the ‘perfect stick’ for me to lean on (equally unsuccessfully). And though IContinue reading “Slip Disc Musings”

Birthday stresses (and no it’s not about just getting old!)

So the birthday rolled around and this one was unlike any other! I’m the quintessential Gemini about birthdays even though I’m a Taurus-Gemini cusp! I plan for the next birthday the evening of the previous one- so I’m that kinda psycho birthday maniac, But this birthday I was a bit more introspective and stressed out-Continue reading “Birthday stresses (and no it’s not about just getting old!)”

The Imperfect Fit

I was never part of any clique (group)- popular or unpopular – I just didn’t belong. I’ve never been the perfect fit anywhere I think. I’ve always been the one who is a bit too loud, a bit too ambitious, a bit ott romantic. I produced theatre for 18 years but was never arty enough.Continue reading “The Imperfect Fit”

My #TenYearChallenge

The #TenYearChallenge got me thinking- not of how I looked back then… With the correct filters , most people looked better, hotter and (though absolutely unbelievable) even younger in their current pic; but about who I was back then, what I believed in, what I wanted and how who I have become would measure up.Continue reading “My #TenYearChallenge”

Today I feel good.

Start your day saying this. Even on the days where everything hurts, nothing wants to wake up and where the bed is your only friend. Today I feel good. Say it when everything is going stupidly wrong and when no-one around you is even trying to make sense and all that you created or workedContinue reading “Today I feel good.”