I’m not a survivor.

Yes- I have Multiple Sclerosis. Yes- I have a Pituitary Tumour. Yes- I have a tremendous amount of pain every single day… but I’m not a survivor… I’m a WINNER :)! I learnt a while ago that there are 2 ways to approach anything this serious – 1. Let it control you. 2. Don’t !Continue reading “I’m not a survivor.”

i love you. i hate you.

Those petty fights. Who was wrong? Who was right? You took too long on saying I love you. You think I’m fat? You don’t buy me anything. You forgot my birthday/ our date/ to meet me. Who was wrong? Who was right? Those petty fights. You don’t care about me. You don’t listen. You shoutContinue reading “i love you. i hate you.”

Just because they are family doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings!

This weekend a movie (English Vinglish!) and a conversation with a friend made me think of something very important. We often take family for granted and sometimes the unkindest cut of all comes from those closest to us. They may not aim to be mean. It might be just a thoughtless remark or an angryContinue reading “Just because they are family doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings!”