Where Am I now?

So yesterday while watching the deviously delightful ‘Lucifer’ on Netflix I asked the husband the existential question- “do you think God has a plan for all of us…” He answered in the affirmative- more of a grunt, because I had obviously disturbed his ‘serial-watching- while reading football news on twitter’ evening with a far tooContinue reading “Where Am I now?”

And the year happened

And it’s the same time of year that I usually love.. there are carols in the air, a slight nip, buying and gifting of presents and glorious xmas and new year plans – everything is the same and yet everything is completely different. This year tried me in ways I could not have imagined andContinue reading “And the year happened”

When the going gets tough!

So every day isn’t your best day… every day may not be a day you are proud of…it may not be a day you care to remember…it may even be a day you can’t stop the tears. And as the rain pours and the economy sinks , days become darker and so do outlooks andContinue reading “When the going gets tough!”

Everything will not go right today…

Everything will not go right today. You will grow older but no more mature.You may not find the one you  love. You may fall out with people that you care about. You may not finish what you started….you may be no more closer to finishing it actually. You may lose an argument, your job, aContinue reading “Everything will not go right today…”

The Good Doctor

“I am sorry. Your brain has been compromised. Your left side is paralysed and you will now never be able to move again!” Those were the first words I heard from a Doctor on the Monday morning when I was just diagnosed with Acute Disseminated Encyphomyelitis. I remember tears flowing down my face as IContinue reading “The Good Doctor”

To a Happy Vishu and to new beginnings!

So the night ended late with Vishukkani (the first things you must see on Vishu morning) being set up by me. Vishukkani literally translated is the first things you must see on Vishu morning) These are a collection of auspicious things and special things you want the year to be full of! So it isContinue reading “To a Happy Vishu and to new beginnings!”

Cuddling lions in Sun City!

When you shoot for shows on television or get to shoot for or in a film, you often get to see places that are truly amazing and sometimes places that you never thought you’d actually visit! This is what happened when during the second season of ‘Making the Cut,’ we traveled to Sun City, SouthContinue reading “Cuddling lions in Sun City!”

love bytes!

so it’s the month of cupid and love is in the air…atlas for those of us who still believe in hearts and fairytale romances and ‘the bachelor’ …( which to be honest i’ve almost lost faith in…considering the 2 God awful reruns on star world recently!) BUT…anyway I still love love! I love romance .Continue reading “love bytes!”