re-communicating in no network and my vacation ;-)

    Soooo the last few weeks have been un-blogged and un-talked about cos i wasn’t in town!!! and no…before you say….i could’ve still taken 5 minutes to update my blog…i have an excuse….i quite literally went to heaven…. and to places where there were no televisions forget phone networks!!! and for those of youContinue reading “re-communicating in no network and my vacation ;-)”

ps-: i love you ADITYA!

i still remember this day 5 years ago. i was crying incessantly after a sleepless night and the makeup just wouldn’t stick with the tears. ravi, the makeup dada kept trying to pacify me saying ” he’s a good guy…don’t worry!” and yet the tears kept flowing… i have no idea why i kept weepingContinue reading “ps-: i love you ADITYA!”

…and so there was no bread-( my weekend romance!)

the weekend started with the usual ,” where should we go? “, “where should we eat?” debates…i mean a week of home food, no sugar and plenty of exercise makes weekends THE MOST sought after days ever! this weekend was different…it was the weekend before my fifth anniversary. Now aditya and i make it aContinue reading “…and so there was no bread-( my weekend romance!)”

celebrity endorsements….

so the australia ad is out and aditya and i are happily proclaiming our love for australia…an un-scripted ad…it was terrifying to shoot…not only because i was terribly unwell that day but because as a theatre person i have always believed in the power of ‘THE SCRIPT!’…. it went off fine and well the resultsContinue reading “celebrity endorsements….”

marriage–my views!

so been getting lots of posts and tweets regarding my views on marriage….some feel that i think (after the amount of advice i give;-) ) that it’s too tough…others ask if i’m anti-marriage or for love and still others ask if i love the concept of love too much and therefore love the concept ratherContinue reading “marriage–my views!”

i love valentines day!!!…and what i did….

happy valentines day y’all!!!! i love love…well when people ask me why i go overboard loving a day that’s not even an ‘official’ holiday or birthday or something….i gotta just say…well in a world where people love war and love hate and love pain and love so many ugly, ugly things…i think it’s a prettyContinue reading “i love valentines day!!!…and what i did….”

THINGS THAT EVERY COUPLE MUST DO ( and no….I don’t mean the obvious!)

so being a couple is fun for all the obvious reasons…yes i mean what you think i mean– cuddling ( get your minds out of the gutter people!!!)…but its often very very important to see if you are more than just great looking people who are attracted to each other!  if your partner and youContinue reading “THINGS THAT EVERY COUPLE MUST DO ( and no….I don’t mean the obvious!)”

relationship 101 ( fact, fiction and complete myths!)

CHEATING IS NOT OKAY! i had a friend who was once advised by her mom’s friend that well ‘ all men cheat and now that she was getting married , she must learn to accept it! cheating is not okay. all men do not cheat. all women do not cheat. you should not be inContinue reading “relationship 101 ( fact, fiction and complete myths!)”

what no one ever told you about love (and what you might as well learn!)

so it’s moo- day again! ( moo- cos it’s the monday morning blues!— the MOO’S!) so yup the mush-pot in me writes yet another blog post about love….but here’s the thing i’m writing about some of my life or no…LOVE lessons! 2o-some things u can learn from me… and my mistakes/ adventures! 😉 Lessons youContinue reading “what no one ever told you about love (and what you might as well learn!)”

love bytes!

so it’s the month of cupid and love is in the air…atlas for those of us who still believe in hearts and fairytale romances and ‘the bachelor’ …( which to be honest i’ve almost lost faith in…considering the 2 God awful reruns on star world recently!) BUT…anyway I still love love! I love romance .Continue reading “love bytes!”