To new adventures….

The last leg of a 2 part anniversary adventure starts today!And as travel goes ….on travel days I’m exhilarated yet totally exhausted today ! But now my part of the anniversary starts…. Shopping and more shopping and when men asks how much shopping is enough…it’s never enough even when you think it is….so shops ahoyContinue reading “To new adventures….”

Living to LIVE! (my life can’t fit in 140 characters!)

So the Blackberry’s attached and you’re completely hooked up…there’s a wifi zone almost everywhere and wherever the .pdf’s are too small or difficult to read on your phone there’s the iPad or the laptop to keep you company. You know more now than you ever did about the world, peoples lives and even their bedroomsContinue reading “Living to LIVE! (my life can’t fit in 140 characters!)”

marriage–my views!

so been getting lots of posts and tweets regarding my views on marriage….some feel that i think (after the amount of advice i give;-) ) that it’s too tough…others ask if i’m anti-marriage or for love and still others ask if i love the concept of love too much and therefore love the concept ratherContinue reading “marriage–my views!”

THINGS THAT EVERY COUPLE MUST DO ( and no….I don’t mean the obvious!)

so being a couple is fun for all the obvious reasons…yes i mean what you think i mean– cuddling ( get your minds out of the gutter people!!!)…but its often very very important to see if you are more than just great looking people who are attracted to each other!  if your partner and youContinue reading “THINGS THAT EVERY COUPLE MUST DO ( and no….I don’t mean the obvious!)”

relationship 101 ( fact, fiction and complete myths!)

CHEATING IS NOT OKAY! i had a friend who was once advised by her mom’s friend that well ‘ all men cheat and now that she was getting married , she must learn to accept it! cheating is not okay. all men do not cheat. all women do not cheat. you should not be inContinue reading “relationship 101 ( fact, fiction and complete myths!)”

what no one ever told you about love (and what you might as well learn!)

so it’s moo- day again! ( moo- cos it’s the monday morning blues!— the MOO’S!) so yup the mush-pot in me writes yet another blog post about love….but here’s the thing i’m writing about some of my life or no…LOVE lessons! 2o-some things u can learn from me… and my mistakes/ adventures! 😉 Lessons youContinue reading “what no one ever told you about love (and what you might as well learn!)”

these are a few of my favourite things….

so the first ever professional play i did was ‘sound of music’ directed by nosherwan and meher jehandgir and produced by hose vasunia….an incredible experience for a girl of 14 years of age…i learnt how to dance, sing, act and learnt to explore theatre my biggest passion yet! i played liesl and for 50 oddContinue reading “these are a few of my favourite things….”