Breaking News

They converted our feelings into ‘Breaking news.’ With Wing Commander Abhinandan’s bloodied nose, blindfolded interview and subsequent calmer interview- news channels and twitter was on overdrive this last week. And that’s the thing- it happened during 26/11 as well. News channels did whatever it took to get TRPs even if it involved giving out sensitiveContinue reading “Breaking News”

Life’s not fair

Life’s not fair- a complaint that plagues even the most optimistic of us. And you’re right. It’s the friend who you thought would pick up the phone when you needed them or the pitch that was stolen by the lazy incompetent colleague who pretended the idea was his or just being surrounded by sloth, carelessnessContinue reading “Life’s not fair”

Will you Be My Valentine?

I love love. I love being loved. I love the whole feeling of love and I love to love! If there’s one day that means the world to me – it’s Valentines Day! Over the years I have heard the cynics say ‘well love can happen on any day.’ And here’s the thing I agree.Continue reading “Will you Be My Valentine?”

Don’t just Turn Up!

The last week was a medley of emotions for me… At first I had the Low- MS Lows are a little tough for me not because of Multiple sclerosis but because I find it difficult to get out of the funk. Add to that the miserable diet and crazy exercise routine continued. But what reallyContinue reading “Don’t just Turn Up!”

Demystifying the Drama

And the first month ended… it took its own sweet time, but it ended. It had all the makings of a semi successful potboiler, with lows and highs, new meetings and friendships all perfectly tied up with even a song and dance thrown in for good measure! The diet held, the exercise continued strong andContinue reading “Demystifying the Drama”

The Great GIVE UP

And so the last week of January draws up and before you know it all the ‘new puppy feeling’ of 2019 has gone and it’s been replaced by -‘oh my God , it’s another year!’ This was never seen more clearly when we walked in to an almost empty gym realising that a whole bunchContinue reading “The Great GIVE UP”

Friend me?

It has never been easy for me to make friends…’Shocking!’ those of you who know me well will laugh! I mean I’m loud, opinionated, bossy and extremely goal-driven. That doesn’t leave a bunch of space in my life for relationships or friendships! And since I started working very young… having done my first film atContinue reading “Friend me?”

Liar, liar..

So the husband (I remain undecided on the use of his name on the blog, basis of my mood and what the blog is about); decided to discuss lying… I am completely opposed to a lie. I’d rather not say something if I have nothing nice to say… but I try never to tell aContinue reading “Liar, liar..”

Where Am I now?

So yesterday while watching the deviously delightful ‘Lucifer’ on Netflix I asked the husband the existential question- “do you think God has a plan for all of us…” He answered in the affirmative- more of a grunt, because I had obviously disturbed his ‘serial-watching- while reading football news on twitter’ evening with a far tooContinue reading “Where Am I now?”

Second wind!

And before you realise it, you’re already in the middle of the first month… New year is over. The lovely bubble of the Christmas season has burst and you’re already bogged down with the routine, you swore you’d never go back to! New year resolutions are finding their way back in to the box theyContinue reading “Second wind!”